M&M Dispensary isn’t your Standard Cannabis Company.

Curated Selection:

Our carefully curated selection is designed to cater to every palate and preference. Whether you seek the subtle nuances of a well-balanced hybrid or the dreamy tranquility of an indica, we have the perfect strains to match your desires. Our edibles, topicals, and concentrates offer a world of possibilities to create your unique buzz.

Craftsmanship and Expertise:

The perfect buzz isn't a one-size-fits-all concept. It's a highly personalized journey, and it begins with craftsmanship and expertise. Our team of cannabis connoisseurs painstakingly selects, cultivates, and refines the finest strains, concentrates, edibles, and more. We believe that every product should be a masterpiece, crafted with care and precision.

Quality Assurance

Quality is the foundation of the perfect buzz. Here at M&M Dispensary’s, we prioritize rigorous testing and quality assurance to ensure that every product on our shelves is safe and consistent. It's our commitment to deliver nothing but the best to our customers.

Our Difference

We want you to experience the delight of finding lovely items that appear to be made with you in mind. We make cannabis easy. You decide how you want to consume and what strain fits your needs.

Where We Began

Michaela Molinari, Skin Support, M&M Extracts

Meet Our Visionary Owner

At M&M Dispensary, our success and commitment to delivering the finest cannabis experiences are deeply rooted in the passion and dedication of our visionary owner, Michaela Molinari. A true pioneer in the cannabis industry, Michaela brings a wealth of expertise and a fervent belief in the power of cannabis to transform lives.

A Passion for Cannabis:

Michaela is not just a business owner; she is a passionate advocate for cannabis. Her journey began as a personal exploration of the plant's myriad benefits, which soon evolved into a mission to share these benefits with others. This deep-seated passion is the driving force behind our dispensary's unwavering commitment to quality, safety, and customer satisfaction.